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Free Smoke
& Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Are your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms up to date? Are they properly located?
As part of Fire Prevention Week 2024, and thanks to a generous contribution from Kidde Fire Safety, New Marlborough Fire & Rescue is making smoke and carbon monoxide alarms available to New Marlborough residents whose homes meet the Massachusetts Fire Code requirement for battery-powered alarms.
Homeowners can also have their home inspected to ensure their alarms meet state requirements.
Both types of alarms — smoke and carbon monoxide — are required by law in Massachusetts. In general, requirements for smoke alarms vary, depending on when the residence was constructed or underwent renovation, addition, or modification.
If battery-powered alarms are permitted in your home, NMF&R can provide these alarms at no cost. We will even install them for you! Please note, existing hard-wired alarms that are expired must be replaced with a new hard-wired alarm. They cannot be replaced with battery-powered alarms as part of this program.
Call 413-229-8100 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, to arrange an appointment for an inspection. If your home meets the requirements for battery-powered alarms, NMF&R will provide them for you, while supplies last.
We will also make sure your home has a proper 911 sign, and, if needed, order one. We will contact you when your sign is ready for installation — AND EVEN INSTALL IT!
Typical one- and two-family residences built before January 1, 1975, are required to have smoke alarms that may be battery-powered, hardwired, or a combination of both. Carbon monoxide alarms may be either battery powered, plug-in with battery backup, hardwired with battery backup, or a system-type alarm.
Fire alarms are required on every habitable level of the residence; in the basement; on the ceiling at the base of each stairway, including the basement (but not within stairways); and on the ceiling outside each separate sleeping area. Carbon monoxide alarms are also required on every level, including habitable portions of basements and attics, and must be located within 10 feet of each bedroom door.
Battery-powered smoke alarms more than 10 years old or expired, must be replaced by alarms with 10-year, sealed, non-rechargeable, non-replaceable batteries. They must be photoelectric and have a hush feature to silence nuisance alarms.
The date of manufacture is stamped on the front or back of most alarms. If you must remove an alarm from its bracket to get the information, be sure to replace the alarm when you are finished. IF THERE IS NO DATE ON AN ALARM, IT HAS EXPIRED AND MUST BE REPLACED.
NMF&R is providing this service thanks to a generous contribution of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms by Kidde Fire Safety, one of the country’s largest manufacturers of smoke alarms and fire safety products. Please visit to learn more about their products and services.
Please visit to learn more about Massachusetts Fire Code requirements.
• Test your alarms monthly
• If the alarm uses regular batteries, change the batteries when you change your clocks twice a year. A “chirping” sound indicates that it’s time to change the batteries.
• Problems with heating systems are the #1 source of carbon monoxide in homes. Carbon monoxide is a lethal, silent, odorless gas. If your alarm goes off, move everyone out of the house and call 911. The fire department will be there shortly. Never assume it’s a faulty detector.
• Make sure your home also has a proper 911 sign.
• Don't forget to also regularly clean your dryer vents!
About Us
The New Marlborough Fire Company is one two nonprofit organizations that support the operations of New Marlborough Fire & Rescue. Together with New Marlborough First Responders Inc. — the nonprofit arm of the “Rescue,” or ambulance operations in NMF&R — the Fire Company fundraises, underwrites expenses not covered through the town’s annual budget, and provides membership support to ensure that New Marlborough Fire & Rescue provides professional emergency services to residents and visitors in the town of New Marlborough.
New Marlborough Fire & Rescue is available 24/7, but because we do not staff the station full-time, please do not call the business line to report an emergency.
If you have an emergency, please call 911!
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